A 4.0 Meeting
French mechanical experts and innovation specialists met very proactively recently during an exchange session organized by the FIM (Fédération des Industries Mécaniques) and CETIM (Centre Technique des Industries Mécaniques).
This occasion allowed for the discussion of key issues currently shared among industrialists, as well as existing solutions to address these issues, with promising collaborations already taking shape!
Energy costs and recruitment difficulties are among the challenges to be addressed.
It is in this context that KEYPROD comes into play, helping to increase the attractiveness of work positions by energizing the missions of employees.
To discover our solution live as well as our expertise, KEYPROD has joined CETIM's acceleration network: QUATRIUM.

QUATRIUM, kézako ?
QUATRIUM is a support concept developed by CETIM, a network of platforms for discovering and testing the most advanced industrial technologies. It is ideal for mechanical industry professionals who want to offer better services to their clients by leveraging artificial intelligence while promoting 'Made in France.'
This support network highlights experts in technological transformation from dedicated demonstration platforms. Find KEYPROD in technical trial at the CETIM workshops.
Infographic credit: https://www.cetim.fr/quatrium/